New Twist to an Old Beef
All too often we have heard the arguments of propriety and good taste with regard to the wearing of slacks by women. Typical is this "pet peeve" letter printed recently in the "San Francisco Examiner":
When ladie's young and old wear sloppy slacks or tight pants on Market St. I wish I had a water pistol and could give each one of them a good squirt. Ladies, please be ladies.
Apropos of the above is the report from Iran by John B. McDermott recently published in the "San Francisco Chronicle" which went as follows:
"Ever see a good-looking blonde attired only in her undies strolling along Main Street?
"Well, what Lady Godiva in all her nudity did to shook a staid English village in the distant past is being repeated here in conservative, old Persia to a lesser degree, of course by unknowing American gals.
"It's not that these new arrivals enjoy parading in their scanties down crowded Faderi street, it's Just that they don't realize what they are doing. The girls are among the few tourists who arrive here. They are attired in comfortable slacks for the long hops in between cities out in the Middle East.
"Their first reaction is to be pleased and flattered by the smiles and friendly stares of men who eye them in open approval. A second reaction is puzzlement because of obviously disapproving glances from the many veiled women wrapped in full-length, usually all black, 'chadors,' which resemble nun's attire, but in addition cover half the face.
"To the Iranian, a woman in slacks is a woman in only her underwear. Underneath the chador veil-cloaks the average Iranian female wears slacks as her 'undies'."